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Research Articles:

*Denotes equal contribution

  1. Anderson T, Sharma S, Kelberman MA, Ware C, Guo N, Qin Z, Weinshenker D, Parent MB (2023) Obesity during preclinical Alzheimer’s disease development exacerbates brain metabolic decline. J Neurochem Available at:

  2. Raza S*, Ahmed Z*, Stephens H*, Kim C, Kelberman MA (2023) Testing antimicrobial properties of common household spices in a real-world scenario. Journal of Emerging Investigators.

  3. Kelberman MA, Rorabaugh JM, Anderson CR, Marriott A, DePuy SD, Rasmussen K, McCann KE, Weiss JM, Weinshenker D (2023) Age-dependent dysregulation of locus coeruleus firing in a transgenic rat model of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging Available at:

  4. Iannitelli AF, Kelberman MA, Lustberg DJ, Korukonda A, McCann KE, Mulvey B, Segal A, Liles LC, Sloan SA, Dougherty JD, Weinshenker D (2023) The Neurotoxin DSP-4 Dysregulates the Locus Coeruleus-Norepinephrine System and Recapitulates Molecular and Behavioral Aspects of Prodromal Neurodegenerative Disease. 10:ENEURO.0483-0422.2022.

  5. Carroll K*, Coleman T*, Yousuf Y*, Kim C, Kelberman M (2022) Antimicrobial properties of common household spices on microbes cultured from two kitchen locations. Journal of Emerging Investigators. 

  6. Kelberman MA*, Anderson CR*, Chlan E, Rorabaugh JM, McCann KE, Weinshenker D (2022) Consequences of Hyperphosphorylated Tau in the Locus Coeruleus on Behavior and Cognition in a Rat Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease:1–23 Available at:

  7. Schoenberg HL, Sola EX, Seyller E, Kelberman M, Toufexis DJ (2019) Female rats express habitual behavior earlier in operant training than males. Behav Neurosci 133:110–120. PMID: 30359063

Review Articles and Commentaries:

  1. Ehrenberg AJ, Kelberman MA, Liu KY, Dahl MJ, Weinshenker D, Falgás N, Dutt S, Mather M, Ludwig M, Betts MJ, Winer JR, Teipel S, Weigand AJ, Eschenko, O, Hämmerer D, Leiman M, Counts SE, Shine JM, Robertson IH, Levey AI, Lancini E, Son G, Schneider C, Van Egroo M, Liguori C, Wang Q, Vazey EM, Rodriguez-Porcel F, Haag L, Bondi MW, Vanneste S, Freeze WM, Yi YJ, Maldinov M, Gatchel J, Satpati A, Babiloni C, Kremen WS, Howard R, Jacobs HIL, Grinberg LT (2023) Priorities for research on neuromodulatory subcortical systems in Alzheimer’s disease: Position paper from the NSS PIA of ISTAART. Alzheimers Dement Available at:

  2. Kelberman MA, Weinshenker D (2022) A novel link between locus coeruleus activity and amyloid-related cognitive decline. Trends Neurosci Available at:

  3. Kelberman M, Keilholz S, Weinshenker D (2020) What’s That (Blue) Spot on my MRI? Multimodal Neuroimaging of the Locus Coeruleus in Neurodegenerative Disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14 Available at:

  4. Kelberman MA, Vazey EM (2016) New Pharmacological Approaches to Treating Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Curr Pharmacol Rep 2:253–261. PMCID: PMC543816

In Preparation/Under Revision/Preprints:

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